Explore COVID-19 pandemic with R


A sneak peak into the COVID-19 data from Africa.

Welcome to Stephen Balogun


Welcome to my new blog.

tidyndr package version 0.2.0 is out!!!

R package

A short description of the post.

RStudio global diversity scholarship

I received the RStudio global diversity scholarship to participate in two different workshops during the rstudio::global(2021) conference.

Becoming ISQua ambassador

quality and safety improvement

On 5th March 2020, I was announced along 3 other people as Ambassadors of ISQua.

My healthcare quality and safety improvement journey

quality and safety improvement
learning journey

I became committed in healthcare quality improvement and patient safety following my encounter with the ISQua Fellowship programme. This answered many of the burning questions I have hitherto had and fueled my passion and desire.

My websites designing experience

learning journey

Over the years, I have designed a couple of professional websites using HTML & CSS and R packages. Here, I share a bit about my experiences using the different platforms.

More articles »



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Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at https://github.com/stephenbalogun/stephenbalogun, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".